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Feldenkrais s Alexem

Datum: sobota 23. 4. 2016 / 10-13h

Lektor: Alex Fuxbauer

Cena: 450 Kč 

Workshop with Alexander

Feldenkrais / Forcefield Circle is a somatic expedition into the field of consciousness to heal, enjoy and evolve your self.

  • All levels of movement experience are welcome. The quality of movement can always be improved as we develop beyond old habits.
  • During three hours you will learn to move with comfort, elegance and efficiency, connecting with ecstatic forces of life to enhance your physical vitality, emotional clarity and mental flexibility.
  • First you will immerse yourself into an individual learning process to release tensions and increase the mobility of your spine from pelvis to head. With progressive sensitivity and integration the group will encounter archetypal images, creating passages to unite isolated patterns and ground the experience.
  • If you are interested in learning to use movement, breathing and touch as vehicles for your personal evolution, this workshop is for you.
  • Bring comfortable clothes and a blanket.

Teacher: Alexander Fuxbauer is a practitioner of dramatherapy, the Feldenkrais method and systemic coaching. Integrating professional communication and mindful movement with meditation, Alexander explores since 20 years how to improve habits of movement, thought and feeling.

“When we accept our selves, remain calm and sincere in total surrender to the world at present, we reconnect with forces that dissolve the limits we have created in our life out of ignorance. Then the neglected and suppressed parts of our being join our evolution to infinity.” (A. F.)