masáže / manuální lymfodrenáž
tanec a jóga pro děti

Meditation for July Total Full Moon lunar eclipse

Date: Friday 27.7.2018

Time: 6 - 7.15 pm

Facilitator: Maria Wills

Price: 200 CZK (on the spot)

For registration contact us via email michalapreckova@gmail.com


At Full Moon the energy of the moon is at its peak, with this being a beneficial time for inner reflection and healing. July’s Full Moon is also a Total Lunar Eclipse, with the moon passing through the Earth’s shadow, with this event expected to last for about one hour and forty three minutes. This will be the longest duration of any total lunar eclipse in this century.

At this time we may feel the energies being more intense due to the moon’s influence on the water element which is related to our emotions in conjunction with the effect of the eclipse which is about changes.

This guided meditation will support you to use this time to stay centered and grounded as you take the journey inwards for self-reflection and introspection. This will assist you to create the space to release old emotions and thought patterns that are no longer serving you, for more peace and balance.

This meditation will help you focus on your intention and plans you may have for the next 6 months, to help you bring yourself into an alignment with your goals and bring them into manifestation.